Legals mention


This site is the property of :
Eyelander SL,
Passeig Merla 4,
08197 , Valldoreix
Barcelone , Espagne.
MOBILE:  + 225 07 01 13 28 /  + 34   687 785 375
TEL :    + 225 21 24 89 61 /  + 225  21 24 89 72
FAX :    + 225 21 24 88 82 /  + 34   93 58 30 195

and has been conceived by :
Web & Mutimédia :
501 165 385 R.C.S. BORDEAUX
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SAS au capital de 500 K€
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011 - Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

In accordance with the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, the files and freedoms (known as "Data processing and Freedoms"), this site was the subject of one declaration with the CNIL and will be mentioned later on.
In accordance with article 34 of the Data-processing Law and Freedoms, you have a right of access, of modification, correction and suppression of the data which concern you.
Joséphine Lindahl
Eyelander SL,
Passeig Merla 4,
08197 , Valldoreix
Barcelone , Espagne.
MOBILE:  + 225 07 01 13 28 /  + 34   687 785 375
TEL :    + 225 21 24 89 61 /  + 225  21 24 89 72
FAX :    + 225 21 24 88 82 /  + 34   93 58 30 195
url :
email : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Eyelander is a trade mark. The photographs, the visual ones and the texts being reproduced on this site are trade marks by Eyelander SL.
Their mention does not grant in no manner a license or a right of use unspecified of the known as marks, which can thus be used without the preliminary and written assent of the owner of the mark under penalty of counterfeit.

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-use such information that at personal ends and in no manner at commercial purposes; not to modify such information;
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The whole of accessible information via this site are provided in the state. Eyelander SL does not give any guarantee, explicit or implicit, and does not assume any comparative responsability to the use of this information.
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