
eyelander-organisationEyelander is a Swedish, privately held, Independent, Quality assurance and Verification Company with over 14 years of experience.
We are specialised in stringent commodities verification, and inspection. We train Farmers and Cooperatives, thorough inspecting, monitoring, financial collateral management and auditing the different stages in the produce supply chain at origin.  We verify From farm to port quay and port to final destination).
Purchasing from origin without representatives or a comprehensive quality assurance procedure in place is risky and can be a tremendous liability for firms.
Our Staff is carefully selected having the expertise and experience of the commodity supply chain; they also speak the local languages and dialects of the region in which we work in.
Our foremost goal is to represent your interest from farm gate to port or from port to destination.

Our Ethics

We insure that the highest standards of integrity are applied to all our activities and we act in accordance with national and international best practices.
We ensure that the highest standards of integrity are applied to all our activities in accordance with national and international best practices.


  • Act with skill and care, keep skills up to date.
  • Prevent corrupt practice and declare conflicts of interest.
  • Respect and acknowledge the work of other colleagues.
  • Ensure that reports are accurate and justified with evidence.
  • Minimise impacts on the environment.
  • Discuss issues of disagreement in open meetings.
  • Do not mislead; present evidence honestly and impartially.
  • Economise on energy, water, paper and other working materials.
  • Respect safety measures for self and colleagues.

Treat clients cordially with honesty, kindness, respect and a smile.
Reports on suspected violations of ethic rules can be submitted by filing a written report on line or by fax or e- mail addressed to the manager: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



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